Terror en del af dagligdagen?
Forfatter: HV
"Folk, som siger, at vi skal fortsætte som hidtil, modsætter sig ikke islamisk terror, - de normaliserer den."
"Typically, the only man talking tough after yesterday's attacks was Donald Trump - who 'mainstream' politicians abhor and ignore.
We need to stop allowing jihadis to return to Europe, prevent extremist imams accessing young minds and spreading their religious brand of hate, and stop communities colonising parts of Europe where former generations of immigrants used to integrate."
Kilde: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3506043/KATIE-HOPKINS-hell-solidarity-Europe-willing-accept-Muslim-terror-simply-new-normal-t-afford-stay-it.html#ixzz43q0BhCmX
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