
Torture by canvas?

Forfatter: Cherif El Ayouty

Prison Made Of Canvas

Torture by canvas?

And we are still discussing in Denmark (and several other Western countries) whether we should ban this instrument of torture or not, while some Westerners are saying that it is worn by free will.

What is the difference between this and "The Man In The Iron Mask"?

Women are robbed from their identity and their existence as human beings. Children are robbed from their mothers' warmth and grow up with faceless ghosts.

I will never stop my campaign until this despicable practise dictated by men who belong to the missing link species is totally eradicated.


Prison Made Of Canvas

I've seen many disturbing things on both the news and Internet, but I don't think I have seen anything that made me this just purely SAD before.  What possible hope is there for this society, these women and their children   .... and their incredibly ignorant men - fathers, husbands, sons?  It really makes me cry for them.



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