Irans regime må isoleres
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Irans regime må isoleres
Jeg snakker om en regime som nu i 28 år har dræbt sin egen befolkning.
I flere år har de både dræbt sin egen befolkning og støttet terorisme.
I flere år har de fængslet, straffet og dræbt de mennesker som har stået frem og sagt dere mening.
Og de er ligeglad med hvordan folk lever deres liv, om de er fattige eller ej så tager de ikke hensyn.
De vil kun indføre islamiske regler i landet og overfør dem til andre lande.
De infører islamiske regler som har været brugt for år tilbage, og som ingen nytte har for nogen mennesker.
Siden Ayatollah Khomeini har de dræbt 100.000 mennesker og det er der beviser på som jeg kan sende til jer hvis der er brug for det.
I mange år har der været klager over iranske fængsler. Fængslerne er fyldt med mennesker som vil have lidt frihed i deres land.
I flere år har de dræbt store grupper af mennesker midt på gaden foran andre for at give dem en lærestreg. I flere år har de dræbt kvinder ved stenkastning.
Unge mennesker som har været ude på gaderne og lavet fredlige demonstrationer har fået hugget arme og ben af.
Idag fanger de hver og en som protesterer mod atomkraft i landet. De siger at de er deres fjender.
Hvis man snakker om frihed siger de at de er deres fjender. Nogen spørger hvorfor censurerer i ting? De svarer i er vores fjender. Folk har ingen job. De protester og bliver sat i fængsel. De får at vide de er deres fjender.
Folk får ikke lov at sige den mindste ting uden at blive straffet.
Alle de penge som de har får de af terrositer fra udlandet.
Fra folk som Hassan Nasrollah fra Libanon, af en gruppe ved navn Hemaz i Palestina og terrorister fra Irak.
Flere millioner mennesker er på stoffer pga. de problemer de har, som kommer fra regimen i Iran.
Befolkningen er fanget i en diktatorisk regime.
Mange lande fra vesten ser gennem fingerene på befolkningens problemer og stadig støtter Iran ved at købe ting fra landet.
Måden at bekæmpe regimen på er ikke at stoppe handlen med dem eller lave krig.
Men politisk kontakt skal stoppes med landet. Som der blev gjort mod Syd Afrika.
Økonomiske stoppelser og krig med landet vil ikke gavne noget, det vil skade befolknigen.
Og det giver dem flere grunde til at skade deres folk endnu mere.
Jeg vil til sidst bede jer om ikke at være ligeglad med det i læser. Det er seriøse problemer som går udover uskyldige mennesker.
Der skal gøre noget nu, der skal klages. Vi skal bede dem om at frigøre de mennesker som er i fængsel pga. de vil have frihed.
Studerende som har været i fængsel over 2 måneder nu fordi de lavede demonstration skal frigøres fra fængsel.
Andre nedenstående personer har også klaget og hjulpet.
Kom og bliv en del af dem som hjælper Iran til et bedre land.
I kender sende jeres klager til disse adresser.
Med Venlig hilsen
Murad Sheixi , repræsentant af Ex-muslime i Danmark.
Please send your protest letters to:
Supreme Leader
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street
Shahid Keshvar Doust Street Tehran , Iran Email: info@leader.ir
The President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad The Presidency
Palestine Avenue,
Azerbaijan Intersection
Tehran, Iran Email: dr-ahmadinejad@president.ir
The Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi Office of the Head of the Judiciary Pasteur St.,Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhouri, Tehran, Iran Iran Email: info@dadgostary-tehran.ir
Mr.Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Mr. President:
We wish to register our strong protest at the arrest of some 50 people on May 1 in Saqez, seven of whom are still in detention. The only offence of those arrested and detained is their attempt to celebrate, in common with workers around the world, the first of May, the International Labour Day. We also understand that Mr. Mahmoud Salehi was badly beaten following his arrest, and that government security forces beat his wife and son at their home. As we understand it Mr. Mahmoud Salehi is still in police detention and very sick. The information we have got, also tells us that during the last weeks he has been threaten to death three times by some of the prison guards. He also suffers from kidney problems that require medical attention. These problems can best be taken care of if he gets medical treatment at a hospital. We call upon you to secure the immediate and unconditional release of these seven worker rights advocates who are guilty only of attempting to exercise internationally recognized fundamental human rights. Public opinion abroad will hold your government responsible for the physical and psychological well-being of these Iranian Citizens.
Hans-Olof Nilsson
President of IUF and Swedish Food Workers' Union
Dear President Ahmadinejad,
The Ryerson Students' Union, representing all 24,000 full-time undergraduate and graduate students at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, is appalled to have learned of the arrest of 47 students and activists leading up to and on the National Day of Students.
While we understand that 16 of the original 47 have been released, we are disturbed that their release was only made possible by the payment of extortionate bail amounts. We are particularly horrified to hear accounts of torture and cruel treatment toward the detained students. We feel obliged to condemn your government’s detention of dozens of protesting students, and demand their immediate and unconditional release.
The National Day of Students is an important day commemorating three Iranian students who were shot to death by police while protesting the visit by then U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon to Tehran in1953. Students should have the right to attend University, demonstrate and protest free of fear of political retribution or incarceration.
The Islamic Republic of Iran should recognize the people’s rights to freedoms of expression, assembly, association, and strike as your people’s inalienable rights. At our Canadian Universities, students are free to peacefully protest the government of the day without fear of being incarcerated. We stand with our Iranian brothers and sisters in their attempts to exercise this freedom.
The Ryerson Students' Union, Local 24 of the Canadian Federation of Students, lends our supportive voice to those in Iran calling for the unconditional release of the recently arrested students.
Nora Loreto
President, Ryerson Students' Union, Local 24, Canadian Federation of Students
cc. Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei
cc. Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
cc. Prime Minister Stephan Harper
cc. National Chairperson, Amanda Aziz, Canadian Federation of Students
Dear President Ahmadinejad
On behalf of the 55,000 members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers I am writing you over concerns about recent repression of students. We know that dozens of politically active students were arrested prior to the December 7 student day. It is our understanding that forty or more students from around Iran are being held at the despicable and notorious Evin prison and other locations..
We have also received reports of torture and cruelty. The authorities appear to be covering their actions by claiming, without evidence, that these students were violent and acquiring weapons. The Ministry of Intelligence has admitted that it fears the circulation of ideas by suggesting that “heretical books and leaflets with a sacrilegious content” were found in the possession of students. It is chilling to observe any society that relies on intelligence agencies to define morality and heresy.
The old tactic of crying wolf, labelling communists as operating terror cells and inciting riots is an old discredited tactic that has been used elsewhere. We are familiar with the demonizing of those that have different views. It is also hard to separate the actions of the Islamic Sate with those of the United States in places like Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. We hope that your government will not remain on this path.
We urge you to immediately and unconditionally release the prisoners as well as the labour activists you are holding and cease this transparent abuse of students and workers.
Deborah Bourque
CUPW National President
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An Indonesian activist expresses solidarity with repressed trade unionists in Iran |
Workers in Indonesia today voiced their protest in a rally against the repressive measures meted out to trade unionists in Iran and called for the release of all imprisoned activists. The action pre-empts an official visit to Iran of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono next week.
Initiated by the ITF-affiliated Indonesian seafarers’ union, Kesatuan Pelaut Indonesia, the rally saw more than 500 workers, gather in front of the presidential palace in Jakarta. The workers, including representatives from other ITF affiliated unions, were demonstrating against the continued imprisonment of Mansour Osanloo, President of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company and Mahmoud Salehi, President of the Saquez Bakers’ Union. Both men are suffering serious medical conditions.
Union representatives delivered their message when they met with the secretary to the President at the palace. The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has promised to contact the Iranian embassy and the Iranian government about the issue prior to President Yudhoyono’s visit, which is scheduled for 11 January.
Two days ago, members of the bus workers’ union’s executive board met Osanloo at the hospital where he was receiving outpatient treatment on his eye. It has been reported that doctors have recommended that Osanloo be released from prison for at least three months so that he is able to receive proper medical attention. They are awaiting a response from the judiciary.
On 16 December, Ebrahim Madadi, Vice President of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company was released from prison. Reza Dehghan of the Painters’ and Decorators’ union has also been set free.
Mac Urata, ITF Inland Transport Section Secretary commented: “Our promotional film, ‘Freedom will come - The Mansour Osanloo Story’ has inspired many unionists to join the campaign. We had a successful roadshow last month across North Africa and Asia/Pacific, including Jakarta. It’s good to see our Indonesian unions following up that event with concrete action like this. The roadshow will continue in 2008.".