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7 pakistanere dømt for voldtægt af småpiger i Rotherham

De britiske myndigheder gør, hvad de kan, for at se den anden vej, når muslimske børnesex-ringe holder hvide britiske småpiger som sexslaver. Frygten for at blive kaldt racist eller islamofob lammer myndighederne, som i stedet jagter dem, som gør opmærksom på forbrydelserne, - endda i flere tilfælde pigernes forældre.

Af og til er forbrydelserne dog så grove, at myndighederne bliver nødt til at gøre noget. Derfor er 7 pakistanere nu blevet idømt i alt 106 års fængsel for voldtægt af småpiger ned til 11 år.

Imens fortsætter forbrydelserne andre steder.

Kilde: Britain First

They think that it is their religious right to use them as sex slaves.

They view all white non-Muslim girls as prostitutes that only exist to satisfy their sick and twisted minds.

This batch of filthy degenerates are the latest in a long list of grooming gangs that have plagued our nation’s streets for far too long.

For over 40 years, Third World imported Islamist pedophile gangs have been allowed to operate by the establishment.

Local police, councils, social services and leaders of the Muslim community all turned a blind eye or actively covered up these horrific crimes across the nation and out of fear of being labelled as ‘racist’ or to protect the reputation of Islam.

They were so dedicated to the coverup that, in some cases, the British police chose to arrest the English fathers who were trying to rescue their daughters from the clutches of these foreign pedophile gangs.

In Telford, the police admitted to having over 40 years worth of evidence on Muslim grooming gangs in their area alone.

So for all that time they sat back and allowed it to go on.

How many girls could have been saved if these cowards and enablers acted instead of cowering in fear of being labelled ‘racist’ or ‘Islamophobic’?

They have totally destroyed the lives of over 250,000 innocent English girls and their families.

Do you really expect the people who let them into the country in the first place to do anything about this?

These gangs are still operating all across the country.

There is still an ongoing coverup in so many towns and cities.

The establishment will continue to cover this up if someone doesn’t expose them.

We will not rest, we will not sleep until every single Islamist groomer and all their enablers in the councils, the police and social services, who all allowed this to happen the daughters of Britain, have faced old-fashioned British justice.

Look at their candidate in the Rochdale by-election, a former Labour councillor who flew the Pakistani flag in the grooming-hotspot of Rochdale as this scandal unfolded under their noses.

This was the Reform party’s choice of candidate to stand in a Northern English town that is notorious for its Islamist groomers.

Their election material never even mentioned justice for the victims of Islamist grooming gangs even once.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, this man they chose to represent them was expelled from Labour for sending sexualised messages to a 17-year-old.

We view this as a disgusting insult to all the families who have suffered at the hands of child groomers in the town.



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