Mehwish Aleem
The Official Apology
One among many letters
This is why the danes fight
DDF in american newspaper
The Western World has been caught with its pants down
All European life died in Auschwitz
Don't go to stores that boycott Danish products
Cartoon crisis: was it for good or bad
The Cartoon Crisis: Anger on Demand
Collapse of the idea of a moderate Muslim majority in Denmark
Face of Muhammed Press Release
Face of Muhammed Decision
Are We ready for confrontation

The Official Apolog

From Denmark to the Muslim World

We´re sorry we gave you shelter when war drove you from your home country....

We´re sorry we took you in when others rejected you.....

We´re sorry we gave you the opportunity to get a good education.....

We´re sorry we gave you food and a home when you had none.....

We´re sorry we let you re-unite with your family when your homeland was no longer safe...

We´re sorry we never forced you to work while WE paid all your bills.....

We´re sorry we gave you almost FREE rent, phone, Internet, car and school for your 10 kids...

We´re sorry we build you Mosques so you could worship your religion in our Christian land...

We´re sorry we never forced you to learn our language after staying 30 years!....


And so....from all Danes to the entire Muslim world,we just wanna say: