Mehwish Aleem
The Official Apology
One among many letters
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DDF in american newspaper
The Western World has been caught with its pants down
All European life died in Auschwitz
Don't go to stores that boycott Danish products
Cartoon crisis: was it for good or bad
The Cartoon Crisis: Anger on Demand
Collapse of the idea of a moderate Muslim majority in Denmark
Face of Muhammed Press Release
Face of Muhammed Decision
Are We ready for confrontation


Collapse of the idea of a moderate Muslim majority in Denmark

Forfatter: Red.

A recent pool among Danish Muslims: Less than half of them are directly against the violent reactions in the Middle East on the cartoons. 11 percent "perfectly understand" (»har fuld forståelse for«) burning of flags and embassies and the boycott of Danish goods. The Danish Minister on Immigration Matters (integrationsminsisteren) calls on them to reconsider whether Denmark is the right place for them to live.

Source:http://www.ugebreveta4.dk/smcms/Ugebrevet/10046/10548/10556/10557/Index.htm?ID=10557 (editor: The Danish Confederation of Trade Unions)

Another fact: In four weeks a newly formed organisation for moderate Muslims only attracted approx. 1.000 members out of (officially) 200.000 Muslims here. The hopeful Danes contributed approx. 12.000 “support-members”